Friday, January 3, 2014

Dropped The Ball..

..on New Year's and on this blog!

My apologies.

Well, it's a new year, it's 2014, and my plan is to start things off right.  And to this end I have created my 2014 Bucket List:

1. lose 30 pounds
2. go to 3 concerts/events
3. graduate from master's program
4. revise novel & submit for publication
5. spend more time with grandma
6. spend more time with little sister
7. attend Edinburgh fringe festival
8. attend show at Asylum in Cornwall
9. try a new dance/performance art
10. attend 2 events where I know no one
11. have another concert
12. attend five auditions
13. win Nanowrimo
14. teach with Canal Alliance
15. get a paying job
16. reconnect with old friends
17. girls week/end with bestie!!!
18. take the CBEST
19. get an iPad
20. participate in an art show
21. get published
22. sell handmade cards to established chain (papyrus, etc.)
23. jog
24. run the Electric Run
25. do an open mic
26. perform at a piano bar
27. take piano lessons
28. get a boyfriend
29. eye contact
30. get my professor to take me to Korea

Why a Bucket List you ask?  Well, imagine 2014 was the last year you had to live?  For all we know, it is!  If there's anything 2013 taught me with all the celebrity/high profile deaths is that nothing is guaranteed.  Just because we're very much here today doesn't guarantee us tomorrow.  So make the most of every minute and live life to the fullest.  It can only make you happy!!

So, who's in?

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