Tuesday, September 3, 2013

30-Day Fitness Challenge

Hello Universe!

Suffice it to say I fell off the C25K wagon long ago.  I feel terrible about it.  It was very, very hard work.  All my extra weight put strain on my ankles and knees, but I was seeing results.  What I think really happened is I started a new job that required me to move.  New city, less time, no familiar place to go running.  As a result, I've picked back up the pounds I'd shed (not nearly as many as I would've liked) and have been searching for a replacement exercise.  It's really hard for me to want to physically go to the gym, unless something fun is happening like Zumba or Ujam.

To that end I discovered this pretty awesome site.  It has a bunch of different fitness challenges designed to get you fit and healthy in 30 days.  Of course fitness is a lifelong kinda thing, but the beauty of this is, if you're terribly unfit (like me), you do one rep the first month, two reps the next, and continue on until you're satisfied.  For my crash crash course I combined the ab, crunch, plank, burpee, and wall-sit challenges for 30-days of fun (read torture):

The burpees will fall by the wayside.  My body was NOT made to do those.  I may make it through the first week - slowly and painfully, but if it's too much, I might switch them to mountain climbers.  Another foe of mine, but I think works similar muscle groups.  Either way, I'll have enough to keep me occupied.


When I was younger, we used to have Olympics Day at school.  An exercise/fitness free-for-all.  The last year I participated was 2001, 8th grade.  That was also the last time I did a situp.  Oh, I've done crunches, but situps were just so far...up.

Anywho, today's workout consisted of:

-  15 situps
-  20 crunches
-  5 leg raises
-  20-sec plank
-  5 burpees
-  10-sec wall-sit

And I survived all 10 mins of it.  It's the most exercise I've done in the past few weeks, and I'm praying that I stick with it.  I have goals to keep me on track: a dress I need to fit in by October for a concert I'm performing in.  And really cute costume ideas for a Vegas Halloween.

Wish me luck!  And feel free to do these with me.  The more the merrier!

#fasttracktofitness  #fancyfabulousfierce

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