Monday, September 9, 2013

30DFC: Day 5-7 (20% complete!)

I bet you thought I fell off the wagon again.  Well, I did not!  But I did have some pretty crazy internet problems that kept me from posting.  But now I'm back with an update:

Day 5:
Week 1 complete! 

- 30 situps
- 12 leg raises
- 40-sec plank
- 50-sec wall sit


Day 6:
20% Done! 

- 35 situps
- 40 crunches
- 15 leg raises 
- 1 min wall-sit 
and 20-sec plank (just for kicks)

Day 7:
I almost missed today as I couldn't get out of bed early for the life of me.  But I made it this evening! 

- 40 situps
- 45 crunches
- 20 leg raises
- 45-sec plank
- 25 mountain climbers
- 1:10 wall-sit

The best part about this week, on day 6 I tried on an oldie but goodie dress I have that I couldn't fit into just weeks ago, and it fit!  If that isn't motivation I don't know what is.

#fasttracktofitness #abtastic #toned #fancyfabulousfierce

Friday, September 6, 2013

30DFC: Day 4

Thank goodness there was a bit of a reprieve today!

Today's workout included:

- 35 crunches
- 30-sec plank
- 20 mountain climbers
- 40-sec wall-sit

It's quite possible I only did 30 crunches today, so I'll have to do an extra five sometime this evening after work.  The plank and mountain climbers were difficult, the hardest part being that I have to support all of me on my hands!  At least my arms are getting a little bit of a workout, too.

I'm soon going to have to break up the wall-sits into reps.  That's a long time to work my thigh muscles (or lack thereof) all the way through.  But I'm moving forward! Almost completed week one.  My goals are still in sight.  #restday #fasttracktofitness #fancyfabulousfierce

Thursday, September 5, 2013

30DFC: Day 3 (10% complete!)

It only gets harder.

Today's workout:

- 25 situps
- 30 crunches
- 10 leg raises
- 30-sec plank
- 15 mountain climbers
- 30-sec wall-sit

The situps were just this side of doable.  I imagine that soon my workout will take more than 10 mins, just be virtue of my having to struggle through it.  Crunches were fine, legs were fine, even the mountain climbers say significant improvement in just these three days.  Wall-sits suck, 'nuff said.  The plank...your body adapts to that one fairly quickly, so hopefully it won't give me too much trouble (fingers crossed!).

As you'll notice, it's day three which means we've completed 10% of the challenge!  On a treadmill, elliptical, or bike I HATE the 10% mark.  My immediate thought is "I haven't gotten anywhere!".  But on this, I'll take whatever motivation I can get.  Slow & steady wins the race, so let's keep on pushing forward!  #abtastic #fasttracktofitness #fancyfabulousfierce

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30DFC: Day 2

I survived yet again!

Today was another 6:30am wake-up call to ensure I did my exercises in the morning - and at all.  Because frankly, if I wait until after a long day at work, it ain't happenin'!  So, today's session lasted 10 mins and consisted of:

- 20 situps
- 25 crunches
- 8 leg raises
- 20-sec plank
- 10 mountain climbers
- 20-sec wall-sit.

The situps are hard - torturous even - but doable.  The wonderful thing about these challenges is, according to the website, you don't have to do everything at once.  You can break it up over the course of the day and still reap the same benefits.  So I don't mind that I take breaks every 5 or 6 situps.  It's been a long time and I have a lot of work to do!  The crunches were pretty easy, though I'm sure that will rapidly change.  Already my leg raises today were better than yesterday's, so I think there's hope for them.

The plank is rough.  I don't know how I'm going to survive this next round of 30-secs.  And it's not even really the ab part that's difficult, it's the arms!  Having to support my weight.  Looks like I'll be breaking those up too.  The burpees had to go.  I was all kinds of uncomfortable doing those day one.  And the great thing about mountain climbers in you have to do both legs for it to count as 1 rep, so I feel like I'm definitely getting the same benefit, if not more.  But I was already looking for excuses not to do them, so when mom said they were bad for your back...that was enough for me.  Wall-sits might kill me.  Which I find so strange, considering I walk around, carrying my body weight all day.  But I guess that works different muscles.

Day 2 and I'm feeling good.  Even treated myself to a piece of toast with a little Nutella.  The breakfast of champions.  That's it for now, but my goals are still in sight, and if I stick with this I think I'll see some awesome results.  So come on, join me!  #fancyfabulousfierce #fasttracktofitness

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

30-Day Fitness Challenge

Hello Universe!

Suffice it to say I fell off the C25K wagon long ago.  I feel terrible about it.  It was very, very hard work.  All my extra weight put strain on my ankles and knees, but I was seeing results.  What I think really happened is I started a new job that required me to move.  New city, less time, no familiar place to go running.  As a result, I've picked back up the pounds I'd shed (not nearly as many as I would've liked) and have been searching for a replacement exercise.  It's really hard for me to want to physically go to the gym, unless something fun is happening like Zumba or Ujam.

To that end I discovered this pretty awesome site.  It has a bunch of different fitness challenges designed to get you fit and healthy in 30 days.  Of course fitness is a lifelong kinda thing, but the beauty of this is, if you're terribly unfit (like me), you do one rep the first month, two reps the next, and continue on until you're satisfied.  For my crash crash course I combined the ab, crunch, plank, burpee, and wall-sit challenges for 30-days of fun (read torture):

The burpees will fall by the wayside.  My body was NOT made to do those.  I may make it through the first week - slowly and painfully, but if it's too much, I might switch them to mountain climbers.  Another foe of mine, but I think works similar muscle groups.  Either way, I'll have enough to keep me occupied.


When I was younger, we used to have Olympics Day at school.  An exercise/fitness free-for-all.  The last year I participated was 2001, 8th grade.  That was also the last time I did a situp.  Oh, I've done crunches, but situps were just so far...up.

Anywho, today's workout consisted of:

-  15 situps
-  20 crunches
-  5 leg raises
-  20-sec plank
-  5 burpees
-  10-sec wall-sit

And I survived all 10 mins of it.  It's the most exercise I've done in the past few weeks, and I'm praying that I stick with it.  I have goals to keep me on track: a dress I need to fit in by October for a concert I'm performing in.  And really cute costume ideas for a Vegas Halloween.

Wish me luck!  And feel free to do these with me.  The more the merrier!

#fasttracktofitness  #fancyfabulousfierce

Friday, June 28, 2013

C25K - Week 1, Day 3


Something clicked today, while I was jogging.  I managed to get my feet up higher, move further forward, feel like I was actually running.  The downside: my right leg stiffened up not too long after I started, stitches in my side, feeling like I was going to die.  Today's stats are:

total distance: 2.19 mi
total elevation: 2802.82 ft
pace: 13:40 min/mi
speed: 4.39 mi/h
projected 5k: 42:28 min
calories: 390 kCal

I keep saying so and so day was the hardest, but for this - the first week - today was truly the hardest.  Starting next week (which for me will start on Sunday), I'm supposed to move to 90 seconds of running, and 2 minutes of walking.  However, even with the progress I've made (as my friend pointed out, it's a steep learning curve), I feel I could use a little more of the foundation.  So I will repeat anywhere from 1 to all 3 of week 1's training schedule, so that hopefully it will get a little easier.  But even with the little I've done, supplement by other things, I'm feeling a difference in me, my body.  So I'm gonna do my best to stick with my grind.  Notice how I went faster and further than my last training day.  So if you haven't already, join me!  There's a C25k app for iPhone and Android by Cool Running (Total C25K on Windows phone).  Let's all run this race together!  It's never too late to get in shape.  #fancyfabulousfierce

Thursday, June 27, 2013

C25K - Week 1, Day 2


So...technically day 2 was Tuesday, and I'd already fallen off the wagon!  You're supposed to supplement the c25k training with some other type of exercise.  So I went to my local 24 for some quality swim time, to find that the pool was closed!  Something wasn't working, they'd fixed it, but needed 24 hours to let the water cycle through as it cleaned itself.  Granted, I could've stayed, being in gym clothes and all, but I'd had my heart set on swimming and I didn't feel like doing anything else.  So I left.

Wednesday, day 2 of training.  I would've thought day 1 was the hardest.  But I was pumped, starting a new routine, ready to get fit, got my goal up ahead..Getting out of bed day 2, an hour and a half earlier than usual?  ROUGH.  But I made it.  My awesome c25k app, calculated my stats:

total distance: 1.89 mi.
total elevation: 1348.43 ft.
pace 15:52 min./mi.
speed: 3.78 mi./h.
projected 5k: 49:19 min.
calories: 390 kCal

Now it's not horrible, though I can't see myself running for almost 50 minutes straight, but it's a huge difference from my first day stats - which, incidentally, were made up because the app added a good half mile I didn't even run :-/.  That aside, I made it through another day of training, and am already feeling better.  I'm still tired, since getting up so early, and I'm not sure that anything really changes that quickly, but if I can stick with it, make good changes in my life..I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

And wonderfully, I made it swimming today!  Only did 35 minutes, and then sat for 10 in the hot tub, let my muscles relax, but it was glorious!  Hard, I haven't been swimming in months and months.  But I love seeing all the hot guys at the gym so I'm gonna stick with it.  Anyway, day 3 of training will be tomorrow and I plan to rock it.  c25k all the way!  #fancyfabulousfierce

Monday, June 24, 2013

C25K - Week 1, Day 1

This weekend I randomly decided I wanted to participate in my first ever 5k Marathon event.  Well, it won't seem quite so random once I tell you the whole story, but let's start at the beginning.  Sort of.

I hate running.  Like, if running were a person, I'd punch it in the face.  But what are you gonna do.  So I'm totally fine with walking a 5k.  And when I hear 3.1 miles I think 'Oh, that's not so bad', but my body thinks 'we're gonna dieeeeeeeee'.  Currently, I'd say I'm in the worst shape of my life.  I've never been crazy athletic to begin with, being plus-size and all I avoid throwing myself around when I don't have to, but I've decided this needs to change.  For health reasons, self-esteem reasons, etc.  So: a marathon.

Of course, I can't just go from irregular exercise to a marathon aficionado.  I need to train.  Even the word makes my head hurt!  But if everyone else can do it, why can't I?  If there's one thing I'm trying to work on (among the many others) it's my discipline/willpower.  So, instead of exercising all over the place, without an actual plan, I've decided to work through the Couch to 5K program. 

Couch to 5k is a running plan that's designed to get you off your ass and in fit shape.  You train 3 days a week for 9 weeks, with sessions ranging from 30 - 35 minutes (including warm-up/cooldown). Supplemented by cross training (fitness classes, swimming, etc.) on your off days.  The training plan looks something like this:

Today was my first session.  And I tried my hardest not to go.  'Oh, it's raining!'; 'I should wait til July, make my first day the first of the month'.  But I knew if I waited it would never happen.  So I went.  In the rain, and an hour and a half earlier than my usual wakeup time.  Anyone who knows me will tell you I LOVE my sleep.  Anyway, I downloaded the C25K app to my phone, so the autovoice would tell me when to warm up, alternate between walking and jogging, and when to cool down.  Today's session:

5-minute warm up (brisk walk)
Alternating: 60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking
5-minute cool down
Total Workout: 30 minutes

During the session, the running was hard.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the duration - I was only running 60 seconds at a time.  But like I said, throwing that weight around..It's hard on the knees, hard to want to bring it all up into the air.  And even though it was a short workout, I felt like I'd done a lot more than if I'd only walked for the same amount of time.  So tomorrow, I'll like go swimming at the local 24, and back to training on Wednesday.  Of course, all this training won't help if I don't change my eating habits.  I know for a fact that will be one of the hardest things for me to do.  But as long as I take it one step at a time...

 This whole thing started Saturday when I went to The Crucible, a workshop based art center where everything taught deals with fire or gasses.  I went with my family to sign my sister up for a welding class, and decided impromptu to take an Intro to Neon class.  I LOVE neon lights, think Vegas and glow sticks.  And as we were home that evening (mom lamenting how every time we go anywhere she winds up spending more money than planned), I realized once I had my new light skills and could trick things out, there was a marathon I totally wanted to run: Electric Run.

I've never been to one, but it's essentially a nighttime marathon/music/light show that looks absolutely amazing.  I discovered them earlier this year, but was in no shape to participate.  However, they're having one an hour away from me at the end of this year and, if I can get my behind in shop, I'd love to participate.  You're allowed to walk it - and frankly that's probably what I'd do - but I'd love to invite friends, go as a team.  That said, with most of my friends more in shape than I am, I'd like to be able to run it - at least parts of it - if we so chose.  And I could go alone - and maybe I would, even - but it seems the type of thing you want to do with friends.

So, all this to say I'm determined to do this training, and at the end of these two months I should - will - be able to run this awesomesauce marathon.  If you're reading this and I know you, or you're in the Cali area and want to participate - and especially if you want to C25K with me, let a girl know.  Wish me luck and stay tuned for more!  #fancyfabulousfierce

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Girl Power

Do you remember the Spice Girls?  I loved them as a kid.  I thought their music was fun, their outfits pretty damn cool, and the were Brits, enough said.  But while I've forgotten the lyrics to most of their songs, and haven't kept up with who they are or what they're doing now, there is one thing they put out into the world that I still remember to this day: Girl Power.

I know, it's one of those things that's almost trite to put out in the open like that, but there is so much truth in it, it's disgusting.  As women, we always have to have our best interests at heart because it's not likely those around us ever will.

Two weekends ago I met a guy.  We'll call him...Daniel.  Daniel was attractive enough, nice, and according to him very attracted to me.  We met at a local club where you were free to express your more...intimate desires with strangers in an open and safe environment.  He spent the first 20 minutes of our meeting expounding about how I was the sexiest woman there, not even plus-size or bbw, just a little thick, as if his acceptance of my weight was doing me a favor.  And for a good 45 minutes I didn't buy it.  I let him stick around because I was bored and had no one else to talk to at that time.  That was my first mistake.

Later, when I decided he was my best bet for having a little fun if I so chose, it was nothing to write home about.  When I decided I needed a break, he followed me around, hands on my body in some form or another at all times, as if he had the right.  Now, a part of me knew, having been there before, that when you hook up with someone it's possible you stick with them for the rest of the night.  But it's difficult to walk while someone's simultaneously groping your chest.  I pushed him away a few times, but he didn't seem to understand what 'break' meant.  But he also wasn't forcing me to do anything, so I put up with it for a while.  That was my second mistake.

My third mistake was opening up myself to this jerk of a guy, outside the club.  I would never look for a boyfriend in that place, or even a close friend, but I've been on a search for someone to take care of my more physical needs, and thought he might be a good candidate.  So we exchanged numbers.  We texted a bit over the following two weeks, after which I invited him to coffee on friday night.  I figure it's a three day weekend, why not start it off by seeing if there's anything there?

Well, the morning of, he cancels.  His reason was that he'd have to stay late because of the holiday to get some important documents finished, but he suggested we meet saturday instead.  So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and agreed.  Even though I had rehearsal all day saturday and sunday, I was willing to make the effort, ignoring the fact I'd done my hair and chosen a cute work outfit that could also function after hours, and felt my shine dimmed a bit by the change in plans.  Anyway, he let's me choose the place, so I said I'd get back to him.  Meanwhile, he sounds me two disgustingly obnoxious text messages.  The first mentioned being at the gym and aroused, and his 'little guy' (his words not mine) needing kisses.  My reply: "looks like you need to give him some attention when you get home, good luck with that".  The second was him asking me to send 'dirty pics' of my self - which, consequently, I didn't even realize people were still interested in after the age of like puberty or something.  My reply: "I don't think so; don't get confused by the way we met; you may have seen a little of my naughty side but I'm a classy lady by trade."  His reply?  Nothing.  Haven't heard from him since.

Ladies, don't let a man steal your shine in any way, shape or form.  Be you and do you at all times.  Don't compromise your fierceness for the sake of some guy who thinks he's entitled to you because he wants it, especially if he isn't willing to work for it.  No one gets the goodies without putting in at least one solid 9-5.  And if you can't hack it, you don't make the cut.  Simple as that.  Once upon I time I would've texted again, and again, hoping to get a response, maybe even being more interested than initially.  Thinking I could get him to be who I wanted him to be, and not who I was.  But once a reasonable response time had passed (i.e. same day, confirming our meeting in time for me to get ready) I deleted him.  His number, his text messages and his name from my vocabulary.  Mama is classy and doesn't play games.  So treat me right or take a hike!  #fancyfabulousfierce

Friday, May 24, 2013

Guilty Pleasure 1

On my 26th birthday I woke up to find a $20 bill outside my door with a note from my dad saying: "MANICURE we must look our birthday best!"  I decided it was the perfect time to try a gel manicure, which are supposed to last 2-3 times longer than a regular one.  Honestly, they are craze-amaze! (thanks JITB).  The first one I got was a magenta glitter, and the guy who did it gave me the best hand/arm massage ever.  I decided to make it a monthly treat to myself.  And, since summer is officially started (at least where I'm concerned), I'm going through the lighter colors first.  This is Gelish polish #40.  My first one lasted a good three weeks before I noticed any chipping.  This time around, one nail's chipped a bit, but a lady did it this time, and she spent most of it gossiping.  That and giggling about the fact that there was a surprise inspection and people were getting fined for not having proper, up to date cosmetology licenses.  Oh well, manicures are definitely my new thing.  Still not into pedicures though.  Don't like people messing with my feet.  Anyway, go out and treat yourself to something fabulous.  TODAY!  You deserve it.  #fancyfabulousfierce

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I found this quote today and it resonated deeply, as I'm currently on a mission to be just that!  I've always loved the idea of being classy. but I find it's often hard to feel that way.  As a +sizer I sometimes find it to hard to feel feminine, even.  I see the skinny girls with dainty angles and search for that same femininity within me, but at times I feel like a whale swimming amongst dolphins.

It's not a completely new concept.  When I was younger my favorite outfits consisted of sweats and a t-shirt, opting for comfort instead of fashion.  But now that I care about how I present myself, I sometimes feel dumpy when I try.  But I'm on a mission to finally discover this part of me, and it's starting with taking better care of my body, mind and spirit: exercise, better eating (with the occasional splurge, I'll admit), manicures (no pedis - don't like people touching my feet!), flaunty fashion, etc.  I refuse to perceive myself the way mainstream does any longer.  I will become my own +size goddess.  #fancyfabulousfierce

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Plus-Size: Models

I'd like to start off by saying I'm a plus-sized woman.  And I'm not talking just the other side of a 12.  I mean fully plus sized in odd place and strange shapes.  And as a woman with some meat on her bones, I would have to say I resent the entire culture of "plus-size" models.  I just read an article talking of the hypocrisy of plus-size models.  But where they talk about how plus size models are used to 'send a message', I'm talking about the fact that none of these models are truly plus-size.  I'm sorry, a size 12 doesn't cut it if you can still fit in clothing from at least 90% of mainstream stores.  And BeyoncĂ©?  There is NOTHING about her that is plus size.  Nice boobs and wider hips don't count.  Not where I'm concerned.  How can we imagine that any of these women are 'sending a message', when they don't look like the population they're supposedly representing?  Let ME be a model and wear your clothes, so that others who look like me can relate.

Positive body image is something we pretend to teach our children as they grow older, and then turn around and bombard them with 'thin is beautiful', at home, in the media, even through music.  Growing up I was an active kid, but still I put on weight.  At one point my mom even asked if I was pregnant because she'd noticed a change.  How do you think that makes a 13 year-old feel?  I understand wanting a healthy, active, and fit society, but there are other forms of health as well: mind, soul/spirit, whatever you want to call it.  Self-esteem can do you right or so very wrong, and I believe it's important to get people to love themselves no matter how they look, how much they weigh, what their socio-economic status is, etc.  We cannot as a society continue to perpetuate self-hate and expect there to be no repercussions.

For the longest time I have struggled with accepting myself, wanting to shed pounds and pounds.  Not so much that I could look like everyone else, but more so I could wear the clothes I want to wear.  I appreciate what places like Forever21 that have a plus size section with actually cute clothes.  But their designs sometimes miss the mark.  And I wonder, why don't you make the same exact clothes for us that you make for the smaller sizes?  The only answer I can come up with: they don't mind us looking cute, but they don't want us looking the same.  Then what would they have to talk about?  Harp on?  And this could just be me and my thoughts, but it's something I think of often when I go to a place like Macy's or JCPenney's and their plus-size section is full of clothes that look like my grandma's couch.

There is apparently an entire movement going on that I have never heard of, all about promoting positive self-body-image, and I plan to take part.  I discovered this by checking out The Militant Baker's blog, which led me to Tovar's and beyond.  And I've decided it's time for me to make my appearance.  Which I will be doing this summer in crop tops, high-waisted short-shorts and in anything else I damn well please.  I'm tired of being ashamed of who I am and feeling like I need to change how I look to match what people think.  I think it's about time people got over how I look and start changing what they think!  #fancyfabulousfierce